Stakeholder engagement is one of the research themes within the SLIC project. The main question is: which stakeholders should be involved in experiments with smart public lighting, and in what way?

Support base
The Smart Light Concepts (SLIC) project focuses on making the lighting of public spaces more sustainable. But municipalities and provinces cannot simply adapt the street lighting: they need the support of citizens and other stakeholders.
In public space, residents and users who share the same streets and squares can have conflicting interests. That is why it is important to engage in a systematic dialogue with stakeholders when it comes to installation of or modifications to public lighting.
Ger-Jan van den Elsen, researcher at Avans University of Applied Sciences and responsible for this theme, has developed a 4-step plan for the 7 SLIC pilots to manage stakeholder involvement.
- Identification of the stakeholders based on a Stakeholder List;
- Analysis of the identified stakeholders through Gardner's Power-Interest Matrix;
- Development of a stakeholder engagement strategy;
- Development of a communication and reporting plan.